import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
from time import time
import scvelo as scv
scvelo==0.1.24 scanpy==1.4.5.dev136+gd8f32c0 anndata==0.6.22.post2.dev82+g6310e3e loompy==3.0.0 numpy==1.17.2 scipy==1.3.1 matplotlib==3.0.3 sklearn==0.21.3 pandas==0.25.1
scv.settings.verbosity = 0
def run_scv(adata, mode='steady_state'):
scv.pp.filter_and_normalize(adata, min_counts=20, min_counts_u=10, n_top_genes=1000)
scv.pp.moments(adata, method='hnsw', n_pcs=30, n_neighbors=30)
if mode is 'dynamical':
scv.tl.velocity(adata, mode="steady_state", filter_genes=True)
scv.tl.velocity(adata, mode=mode)
scv.tl.velocity(adata, mode=mode, filter_genes=True)
print("neighbor graph corrupted")
def run_vcy(vlm):
vlm.score_detection_levels(min_expr_counts=20, min_expr_counts_U=10)
if vlm.S.shape[0] > 1000:
vlm._normalize_S(relative_size=vlm.initial_cell_size, target_size=np.median(vlm.initial_cell_size))
vlm._normalize_U(relative_size=vlm.initial_Ucell_size, target_size=np.median(vlm.initial_Ucell_size))
vlm.S_norm = np.log1p(vlm.S_sz)
vlm.knn_imputation(n_pca_dims=30, k=30)
adata_ref = scv.read('data/pancreas/endocrinogenesis.h5ad')
test = False
#scvelo's steady-state and stochastic model
n_cells = np.array([1e3, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3, 25919, 30e3, 35e3, 40e3, 50e3, 60e3], dtype=int)
if test: n_cells = np.array([.5e3, 1e3], dtype=int)
scv_stoch_time, scv_time = [], []
for n in n_cells:
indices = np.random.choice(adata_ref.n_obs, n)
adata = adata_ref[indices]
scv.utils.cleanup(adata, clean='all')
adata_run = adata.copy()
t_init = time()
scv_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
adata_run = adata.copy()
t_init = time()
run_scv(adata_run, mode='stochastic')
scv_stoch_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
np.save('data/runtime/scv_time' + str(n), scv_time[-1])
np.save('data/runtime/scv_stoch_time' + str(n), scv_stoch_time[-1])
scv_time = np.array(scv_time)
scv_stoch_time = np.array(scv_stoch_time)
np.save('data/runtime/n_cells', n_cells)
np.save('data/runtime/scv_time', scv_time)
np.save('data/runtime/scv_stoch_time', scv_stoch_time)
#velocyto's steady-state model
n_cells = np.array([1e3, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3, 25919, 30e3, 35e3, 40e3, 50e3, 60e3], dtype=int) # run out of 64GB RAM at 40k cells
if test: n_cells = np.array([.5e3, 1e3], dtype=int)
vcy_time = []
for n in n_cells:
indices = np.random.choice(adata_ref.n_obs, n)
adata = adata_ref[indices]
scv.utils.cleanup(adata, clean='all')
adata_run = adata.copy()
vlm = scv.utils.convert_to_loom(adata_run, basis='umap')
t_init = time()
vcy_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
np.save('data/runtime/vcy_time' + str(n), vcy_time[-1])
vcy_time = np.array(vcy_time)
np.save('data/runtime/vcy_time', vcy_time)
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
WARNING:root:Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-17705123488f> in <module>
18 t_init = time()
---> 19 run_vcy(vlm)
20 vcy_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
<ipython-input-3-90869d0351a5> in run_vcy(vlm)
42 vlm.estimate_transition_prob()
---> 43 vlm.calculate_embedding_shift()
44 vlm.calculate_grid_arrows()
~/velocyto.py/velocyto/analysis.py in calculate_embedding_shift(self, sigma_corr, expression_scaling, scaling_penalty)
1702 self.transition_prob_random /= self.transition_prob_random.sum(1)[:, None]
-> 1704 unitary_vectors = self.embedding.T[:, None, :] - self.embedding.T[:, :, None] # shape (2,ncells,ncells)
1705 with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
1706 unitary_vectors /= np.linalg.norm(unitary_vectors, ord=2, axis=0) # divide by L2
vcy_time = np.array(vcy_time)
np.save('data/runtime/vcy_time', vcy_time)
#scvelo's dynamical model
n_dyn_cells = np.array([1e3, 10e3, 20e3, 25919, 30e3, 40e3, 60e3], dtype=int)
if test: n_dyn_cells = np.array([.5e3, 1e3], dtype=int)
scv_dyn_time = []
for n in n_dyn_cells:
indices = np.random.choice(adata_ref.n_obs, n)
adata = adata_ref[indices]
scv.utils.cleanup(adata, clean='all')
adata_run = adata.copy()
t_init = time()
run_scv(adata_run, mode='dynamical')
scv_dyn_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
np.save('data/runtime/scv_dyn_time' + str(n), scv_dyn_time[-1])
scv_dyn_time = np.array(scv_dyn_time)
np.save('data/runtime/n_dyn_cells', n_dyn_cells)
np.save('data/runtime/scv_dyn_time', scv_dyn_time)
#scvelo's steady-state and stochastic model second run with large cell numbers
n_large_cells = np.array([100e3, 150e3, 200e3, 250e3, 300e3], dtype=int)
if test: n_large_cells = np.array([.5e3, 1e3], dtype=int)
scv_stoch_large_time, scv_large_time = [], []
for n in n_large_cells:
indices = np.random.choice(adata_ref.n_obs, n)
adata = adata_ref[indices]
scv.utils.cleanup(adata, clean='all')
adata_run = adata.copy()
t_init = time()
scv_large_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
adata_run = adata.copy()
t_init = time()
run_scv(adata_run, mode='stochastic')
scv_stoch_large_time.extend([(time() - t_init) / 60])
np.save('data/runtime/scv_large_time' + str(n), scv_large_time[-1])
np.save('data/runtime/scv_stoch_large_time' + str(n), scv_stoch_large_time[-1])
scv_large_time = np.array(scv_large_time)
scv_stoch_large_time = np.array(scv_stoch_large_time)
np.save('data/runtime/n_large_cells', n_large_cells)
np.save('data/runtime/scv_large_time', scv_large_time)
np.save('data/runtime/scv_stoch_large_time', scv_stoch_large_time)
n_cells = scv.load('data/runtime/n_cells.npy')
scv_time = scv.load('data/runtime/scv_time.npy')
scv_stoch_time = scv.load('data/runtime/scv_stoch_time.npy')
vcy_time = scv.load('data/runtime/vcy_time.npy')
n_dyn_cells = scv.load('data/runtime/n_dyn_cells.npy')
scv_dyn_time = scv.load('data/runtime/scv_dyn_time.npy')
n_large_cells = scv.load('data/runtime/n_large_cells.npy')
scv_large_time = scv.load('data/runtime/scv_large_time.npy')
scv_stoch_large_time = scv.load('data/runtime/scv_stoch_large_time.npy')
vcy_time_ext = np.hstack([vcy_time, np.ones(len(n_cells) - len(vcy_time))*np.nan])
pd.DataFrame(np.vstack([n_cells, scv_time, scv_stoch_time, vcy_time_ext]).T.round(2),
columns=['n_cells', 'scvelo steady-state', 'scvelo stochastic', 'velocyto steady-state'])
n_cells | scvelo steady-state | scvelo stochastic | velocyto steady-state | |
0 | 1000.0 | 0.05 | 0.02 | 0.06 |
1 | 5000.0 | 0.10 | 0.17 | 0.41 |
2 | 10000.0 | 0.25 | 0.38 | 1.33 |
3 | 15000.0 | 0.40 | 0.59 | 2.91 |
4 | 20000.0 | 0.53 | 0.76 | 5.10 |
5 | 25919.0 | 0.64 | 0.91 | 8.39 |
6 | 30000.0 | 0.71 | 1.00 | 14.26 |
7 | 35000.0 | 0.82 | 1.15 | 27.13 |
8 | 40000.0 | 0.87 | 1.21 | NaN |
9 | 50000.0 | 0.98 | 1.34 | NaN |
10 | 60000.0 | 1.15 | 1.54 | NaN |
kwargs = {'show': False, 'fontsize': 20, 'size': 100, 'linewidth': 3}
labels = ['velocyto steady-state', 'scVelo steady-state',
'scVelo stochastic', 'scVelo dynamical']
ax = scv.pl.scatter(x=n_cells[:len(vcy_time)], y=vcy_time, **kwargs, show_polyfit=5, label=labels[0])
ax = scv.pl.scatter(x=n_cells, y=scv_time, color='lightblue', ax=ax, **kwargs, show_polyfit=True, label=labels[1])
ax = scv.pl.scatter(x=n_cells, y=scv_stoch_time, ax=ax, color='royalblue', **kwargs, show_polyfit=True, label=labels[2])
ax = scv.pl.scatter(x=n_dyn_cells, y=scv_dyn_time, ax=ax, color='purple', **kwargs, show_polyfit=True, label=labels[3])
pl.xlabel('# cells', fontsize=20);
pl.ylabel('runtime (min)', fontsize=20);
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def expo(x, a, b, c):
o = 1 if np.isscalar(x) else np.ones(len(x))
return a * x ** b + c * o
def fit(x, y, n_extrapol=None):
def do_fit(function, x, y):
popt, pcov = curve_fit(eval(function), x, y, maxfev=10000)
print('complexity: ', popt[1])
#print('Standard error fit: ', np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)))
return popt, pcov
x = np.array(x)
ax.plot(x, y)
popt, pcov = do_fit('expo', x, y)
ax.plot(x, expo(x, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]))
pl.legend(['Data', 'fit'])
if n_extrapol is not None:
return expo(n_extrapol, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2])
fit(n_cells, scv_time)
fit(n_dyn_cells, scv_dyn_time)
fit(n_cells[:len(vcy_time)], vcy_time)
complexity: 0.6825109901178577
complexity: 0.8324485537356342
complexity: 3.9414349162779394